replacing rio 2100


I need to replace a rio 2100 submersable pump for my skimmer. Was thinking about getting a Mag. Anyone have input they'd like to share- good or bad?

mr . salty

Active Member
Definatly a good idea...Just out of curiosity,,,Why are you getting rid of the RIO??? I have a 1700 on my skimmer,and am constantly having trouble with the air injection assembly...It also sometimes wont start right back up after I shut it down..I am really getting tired of playing with it...


Salty, I had the same problem with my rio. Everytime I had to shut the skimmer off because of water changes or other reason the pump almost never came back on. Always had to play with it to get it going again. It finally crapped out when my sump suddenly ran dry(posted about a week ago about the mysterious overflooding of tank). Truthfully, I'm not going to miss it.

fish fry

Hey Corky,
I had the Rio 2600. I switched over to a Mag 7 for my skimmer. The Mag was a much better pump, however it boiled my water. At the time I didn't have a chiller on the tank so I had to switch back to the Rio. As long as you take that into consideration I would suggest the Mag.


That's the one thing that makes me a little reluctant about the mag. I don't have a chiller on my reef and already have a battle with the temp.


Active Member
I replaced my RIO 2500 with a Mag7 and it is a much better pump. However, as noted my temperature went from 78 to 81 degrees. I have a fish only and they seem happy so I'm not that worried about it as it's been over a month since I did the switch.
Tangman :D

mr . salty

Active Member
How does the MAG inject air??? Does it require additional/optional attachments,like the RIO's do???And how quiet are these MAG's???