Repost for quick reply. Thanks!


Just checked the pH. I knew it would probably drop...but now that it has, I don't want to bring it up too fast.
It is at 7.8. I am baking some baking soda in the oven right now to produce sodium carbonate to use to increase the pH.
How much of this should I add at one time so that it will slowly increase the pH?
Also, my specific gravity is at 1.019. I should be targeting 1.009, correct? Just making sure.
Thank you for any help!


do you have a small powerhead in the tank?
What keeps the surface aggitated?


no powerhead. I don't have one that wouldn't be too powerful for a 10 gallon. I am keeping the water below the return on the filter, in hopes that the 'waterfall' effect is enough for circulation.


Well-Known Member
Of course you should always check pH just before lights out.
PH has dropped because carbon dioxide has increased. If you add macro algaes the algeas' consumption of carbon dioxide will result in a rise in pH. Even my FW tanks with peat moss in the substrate have a pH of 8.4-8.8 (purple on the api test kit), because the live plants are sucking out the carbon dioxide.
If this is a hospital tank the low carbon dioxide and high oxygen environment should help the fish get over ich or whatever.
But then I cant say from experience. My tanks (fw and marine) balanced out with live plants don't have ich problems.
my .02