requesting hosting clowns



I have had 3 differant pairs of clowns none show any interest in my magnifica or bta can I request a hosting pair? black and white clowns is what I'm looking for


natural yes but not so much for captive bread I just figured they could throw a nem in the tank and nab me a couple that took interest it would save me from having another pair of clowns that host my powerhead


Originally Posted by markeo99
natural yes but not so much for captive bread I just figured they could throw a nem in the tank and nab me a couple that took interest it would save me from having another pair of clowns that host my powerhead
i have bought 2 wild caught clowns and they both started hosting within a few days. one was a large wild caught maroon and its hosting my pink tip haitain nem and the other is a wild caught true perc and its hosting my LTA. try buying a wild caught one and when you other clowns see the wild caught one hosting the will usually follow (host). hosting is a learned trait.