rescheduled colt frag give-away!


NJ/NY Reef Club meeting rescheduled:
This week Wednesday, my house (apartment), 6:00 p.m.
Who's in?
email me to get directions:
And as long as Chad is there, everyone goes home with a colt frag. Bring frags to trade if you want -- or don't. No problem.
Bring containers and little piece of rock. I'll supply the rubber bands and toothpicks. And dinner.
And if someone wants a maroon clown and three peppermint shrimp (if we can catch them) they're yours, too. I'm re-fishing my tank if I can.


what time you ending cause I might not be able to leave untill 6
Otherwise.... Im getting out my exacto knife... Does anyone want a twin spot wrasse.... He is really nice to everything but snails... and if I got him a home I can take those peppermints... and a colt frag... BTW did those button polyps ever open up?


Nice... Guess I gotta get to cuttin... I have a few things we could throw into the pool.. what kind of SpS?


Active Member
do u people ever have meetings on saturdays cause as u can see i have school and my mom would never bring me during the week days


every friday im in the recording studio.. and dont get out untill late.. tonight happens to be early for me


We can start at 6:30, and we can end as late as 9:30.
I know I can't take any fish right now, but I'm up for any frags that can live under my Coralife fixture (2x96W PCs). Could I keep toadstools or monti digis?
The polyps opened up very nicely. They may even be growing, but I can't tell. Most other stuff in my tank is growing -- particularly the xenia! In a couple a months we'll be giving some of that away.
Jim -- Eliana has been talking about you and Drew a lot today. It's so funny --you guys are almost like her imaginary friends now.
Fishking -- tell your dad that he won't be alone. Jim brings his dad, too (actually, his dad drives, so I guess you could say his dad brings them both).
As far as Fridays or Saturdays go, my family keeps the (Jewish) Sabbath, so from Friday sundown to an hour after sundown on Saturday, we're not able to do a reef club meeting. During the winter, when sudown is quite early, Saturday night could be an option. But the Sabbath is already ending later and later on Saturdays, so Saturday nights are out basically till October or November for us. Tonight Sabbath ended at 7p.m., and it gets later and later every week.
Any requests as far as food on Wednesday night? I could do baked ziti again. I really would rather not have to order pizza, as home-cooked is tastier, I think. Someone want to volunteer to bring soda? We're not Soda drinkers, so I forget to buy it. But I've got lots and lots of milk.


Active Member

Originally posted by daisy
Any requests as far as food on Wednesday night? I could do baked ziti again. I really would rather not have to order pizza, as home-cooked is tastier, I think. Someone want to volunteer to bring soda? We're not Soda drinkers, so I forget to buy it. But I've got lots and lots of milk.

that ziti was awesome!!!! i don't drink much soda either.. but i could bring a gallon or so of ro/di :)


Active Member
it might be my dad who goes and not me
because he works in new york and by the time he comes home to pick me up and go to ur house it would be late, but that is if he decides to go


I eat everything! Check the doughboy belly... :)
I need directions, and I MIGHT have a pink tube anemone to trade.. I got an 8 inche rose BTA coming tuesday... and I allready have a BTA and so out goes the tube if anything.
Oh doesn anyone have a fish only setup? My wrasse really needs a home.
email me


Active Member
i might be able to take it, i have a 10 gallon tnk that i might use to start a fish only tank, that if my dad lets me