resealing a old tank!

now there is a chip not deep but good size if i get a new fram aka the plastic trim shoule this be ok or what tahnks for the help :jumping:


A chip does not normally hurt anything but aesthetics. Just make sure you clean "ALL" internally applied silicone from ALL inside side to side and side to bottom corners. Do not leave any old film of silicone inside or the new silicone will lift off in short order. Use a new single edge razor blade scrape / cut old, then go over it again with an0other new blade. A wipe of the corners with acetone (sold in beauty supply stores or cosmetic areas in walmart / drug stores) helps remove and leave a film free glass surface. Acetone will not hurt a thing and leaves no residue to worry about. ONce dry (matter of seconds) mask off margins on all joints to make nice straight replacement silicone aplication. Apply silicone, and smooth out with you finger tip dampened in water to filet the corners and make a concave seal instead of a convex shaped seal. Once silicone is setup pull off masking tape. Setup or skim time on silicone is about 15 minutes to an hour.....