Researching for my Next Project :)


Active Member
Well my 55 Reef has been up for just over a year now and I love it. My only problems are... that im tight on space, my 55 is fully stocked, and my electric bill

Soooo... Im gonna start a new tank soon

Ive been shopping around for tanks for a few months now and Im pretty sure ive decided on the 24 gallon aquapod. I have a fission Nano protien skimmer already to go with it and plently of extra equipment.
Basically I want to do another reef, with different inverts and a burrowing fish of some kind which I lack in my 55.
Here are the fish I would like to keep, keep in mind I know i cannot have them all im just trying to decide which ones can live comfortably together over a period of time.
1.) Dusky Jawfish/Jawfish(Opistognathus aurifrons)
2.) Bangaii Cardinal
3.) Bi Color Blenny
4.) True Percula Clown

5.) Yellow Watchman % Pistol Shrimp?
(Wondering about Jawfish/watchman compatability problems? Enough burrowing space for both to live comfortably? Pistol Shrimp messing with jawfish? How bad does a pistol shrimp dig up your sandbed?)
Ok so which fish combo would anyone suggest would go together?
Also How deep of a sandbed for a Jawfish? 2-3Inches?

Moving on to Inverts/ Cleanup crew
This is a ballpark guess
10x bluelegs
4x scarlets
1 emerald crab
1x Sally Lightfoot
2x Nas
1x Turbo
2x Astrea
(Hows that Look? More less? Any Suggestions?)

Alright well Anybody who has any insight on the tank on nanos in general fee free to comment.


Active Member
i think a jawfish will need way more than just 3 inches. ive heard they need a deep sand bed. not sure how much digging the pistol shrimp will be doing but becareful that it doesnt dig under your rocks and cause everything to collapse.
i would get a yellow watchman with a pistol shrimp, royal gramma or fridmani (the least aggressive one for your tank or the one thats least shy), and another fish.
have you used the fission nano skimmer? i hear that its junk. also that seems like a lot of hermit crabs. why dont you try a small amount just to check how they might behave. i had two hermit crabs in a 10 but one went missing. im guessing the bigger one killed him off. also my big one likes to ride my astrea snail and try to take him out of his shell. i have to keep watching him and knocking him off to make sure he doesnt do it.
maybe look into the larger nass snails, they have tiny ones and thers also large ones. and the emerald crab may or may not pick at corals once it gets older, depends on whether hes being fed or not