Respond or I'll eat my fish, one at a time


Does anyone have any thoughts on garlic. My local fish dude gives her tangs garlic when ever they come in. She says that she has low ich problems. When she does she mashes fresh garlic cloves, soaks flake food, and adds it to the tank. Fish gobble it up. It doesn't hurt for the fish to actually eat the chunks of garlic. I have some tangs in qt/hypo and did that one time because I was cooking. They went after it with reckless abandon.
Any opinions on fresh garlic? Beth?


Staff member
Yes! Take a look at the info-post in the FAQ Thread on garlic.
The key is use fresh garlic, not the mass produced garlic in the bottle.


Active Member
gorlic works for ich, i had a couple small outbreaks, fed garlic every other day, and the ich dissapeared


New Member
I had a large outbreak of ich in my 110 gal reef about 4 months ago, it killed my volitan lion, multicolor angel, powder blue tang, mandarin goby and had completely covered my adult purple tang (a long time resident) who was obviously dying like the others (respiratory problems, lying on the bottom, etc). I was pretty desperate, no way to remove the fish with all the live rock and the tank is loaded with hard and soft coral so conventional treatments were out of the question. I just figured that I was going to lose all of my fish, the only 2 left. I purchased a bottle of Kents garlic extreme, added it to the food and dosed the tank daily. The day after I started, there was a noticable decrease in parasites and the tang began to eat. By day 5 there were no visible parasites and the tang had quite an appetite. I kept up the regimen for 2 weeks and yes the skimmer and tank smelled like garlic. I have since repopulated the tank without problems, I did add a UV sterilizer to it. I'm a believer in garlic (and UV sterilizers). I wish that I had been open minded enough to use the garlic early on.