Resting Wrasse


New Member
I have a twenty gallon saltwater tank containing a 2.5in. indigo hamlet and a 3 inch greenbird wrasse I added a week ago. The hamlet is doing great but I'm still not sure about the wrasse. He eats well but tends to sit at different places on the bottom most of the day. If disturbed, he swims vigorously. My nitrates are 5ppm, ammonia 0, SG 1.025-1.026. The wrasse's gill movements have have slowed down over the weekend. Is this normal behavior for this wrasse? I've seen one at LFS who also seems to rest on the bottom much of the time. What is going on?


in my brothers 280 he has many wrasse's and a few lay around like that but he doesnt have any greenbird ones...:thinking:


Hes probably stressed from being in such a small tank. Bird wrasse are open water swimming fish, i wouldnt suggest putting a 3 incher in less than a 55 gallon, so it atleast has siwmming room. Full grown it will need a 125 or larger. They are large fish. The hamlets are nice cuz they are chil fish, hang out on the bottom, but wrasse need more swimmng space. Some people always look for chemical reasons as to why fish act funny, but many reasons have to do with stress. Would u freak out if u were stuck in a box with nowhere to run? lol, just my thinking.