Restocking 90 gal after fish kill, suggestions?


New Member
I bought a 90 gal. tank for my son' Christmas. After about three weeks of cycling and then a couple of weeks of dansals, the local store sold my excited family five fish which we unknowingly stocked all AT ONCE. Needless to say, we promply learned what ick is. After removing the star fish(due to medication), we eventually lost a voltan lionfist, french angel, regal blue tang and a spanish hogfish. The only fish to surive is a coris wrasse which seems to be doing well. After doing virtually everything wrong the first time, I would greatly appreciate all suggestions as what I should stock the tank with. My son likes the clowns and lionfish, but we obviously need hardy fish. HELP!


Sorry to hear your lfs sold you all those fish at once. You should wait about 8-10 weeks before adding fish. Then you want to add them slowly not all at once. Some hardy fish are Clownfish, Hawkfish, Royal Gramma,..etc. I would also suggest you pick up a couple of books and read a little on Marine Aquariums. Two that I found very helpful are "The Conscientous Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner and "The New Marine Aquarium" by Michael Palleta. Oh Yeah and Welcome. Post away there are a lot of people here with a lot of good info.


I'd think about a angel, prolly a king or queen, maybe a tang, and 3-5 smaller fish that don't get over 4-5 inches.
A pair of clowns, a angel, a tang, and maybe 2 gobies?
You could go 2-3 dwarf angels or butterflies in place of the angel. Or 1 grouper in place of the angel, and maybe two butterflies in place of the clowns and gobies. It's really up to you.
2 or 3 triggers and some clowns might also work.
The possibilities go on.


Oh wait you have a 90 thought it was a 120.
reduce those things above, for instance one trigger, a tang, two clowns (mated) and maybe a hog?
Or 1 angel, pair of clowns, or goby, and a dwarf?
3 lions, a tang, and a cowfish?
Some choices for you.


New Member
I don't know what set up I have. Did find another ifs. They say the water quality is fine and the wrasse seems to be doing well. I don't have another tank. When I start restocking the tank, how many weeks should I wait between each fish? How many fish will the tank support?
The various fish we are considering are: dwarf lionfish, swissguard basslet, orchid dottyback, kleins butterfly fish, coral beauty, flame angelfish and blue tang. Any thoughts on their potential compatiability and hardyness? If we go with the lionfish, should he be introduced first or last?


Active Member
you say you lost the star due to meds, did you use medication in the tank??, if so, which one
if it had copper, that could be a potential problem in the future,
as for hearty fish, clowns and lions are generally hearty, if it wa ick, i would definitely wait 1 month before adding anything else to hte tank, and as for your set up
fo= fishonly
fowlr=fish only wiht live rock
you would generally fall into that category somewhere
what type of filter do you have, and your substrate
as for your selection, your expectations are a bit high,and the fish you chose, are mostly not very hearty, angesl(dwarves included), tangs and butterfly fish are all on the bottom of the hearty list adn should only be added to well established tanks
get back to us on your filter, substrate, and rock specs, as well as that medication you used, it could all play a role in any good advice we proceed with
and if you can, i HIGLY reccommend setting up a quaretine tank, before adding anythign else
and welcome aboard