Restocking clean up crew what should i get?


I still have plenty for several different species of hermits, i also have 2 black brittle stars, and 1 red brittle star. So im looking for Snails.
I read somewhere that mexican turbo snails live long? Well all of mine were dead in a few months... Whats up with that?
I also have some very small nassarrious snails, but i was thinking about getting some bigger ones.
What do ou guys suggest for a 55 gallon reef?


Active Member
Mecian turbo snails are the best cleaners in my opinion, but astrea snails are good as well.
If your turbo snails all died, then something is definately wrong with your water and most likely any other snails you introduce will die as well. I accidently dumped my turbos in after only 5 mins of acclimation and not one died, so they are pretty hardy.
What are your water parameters? How are you acclimating your snails? Do you have any critters that could be picking on your snails?


salinity is 1.022 id have to check the other parimeters.
I have a margarita snail that has been alive since i last bought the turbos.... i think some of them fell off the rock and laid upside down for a while which would kill them, i dont know if they can starve to death but i think we bought 10 at once... which now i read is definently to much i think this site says 1 every 20 gallons...
I ended up placing a order on this site for.
2 Mexican Turbos
20 Astria Turbo snails
10 Nassarius Snails
5 Emerald Crabs
and a False Perc Clown to see if these are any hardier then what we get around here.


Active Member
Definately get your specific gravity (salinity) up to at least 1.024.... although 1.026 is even better. You have to do it slowly though, no more than 0.002 per 24 hours.