

I have a 55 gallon tank. I have 2 damsels, 1 cinnammon clown, and one oranged striped goby. I wanted to make my tank a reef tank buy my dad gets mad when the light is on for more than 4 hours. So I decided to go back for an aggesive tank. My question is would a Piccasso Trigger and a Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish do well together in my tank. What fish would i have to get rid of. And what other fish would I be able to safely put inside my tank. I'd probably go with those two and one more.


Active Member
The lion would get way to big IMO...the trigger would also get to be to big, I'm not an aggresive person but I would say no...the other fish are fine though


A 55 is too small for a trigger. You might need to upgrade if you want to do aggressive. You should just go with a FOWLR for now.


Active Member
First off, from my own experience a volitan lion will get way to big for a 55gal and theres a chance that the trigger MAY pick at the lion. Do you have any other choices, i would love to see them. BTW, the lion would eat your damsels and your other fish depending on what size they are.


Active Member
I put a volitans in my tank hoping he'll eat my damsels but as of today no luck.


I'm sorry I mean a Dwarf Lionfish
I went to the lfs about 2 hours ago and I was going to buy my Dwarf lf. and When she was going to take it out of the tank it jumped out of the net and hit the ground hard. She finally picked it up with a net and bucket and tried puttin it back into the tank (the opening is only about 7") and it jumped out before she could put it back inside and it ended up behind the tank. The tank is in the middle and there are some more on top so there was no way that she could get it out. Until some guy got the net and starting searching behind the tank until he finally got it out.


? why does dad want the tank on for only 4 hours ..?? I always thought 8-12 hours of
light is a more natural way for the fish to be happy?


why does dad keep the light on for only 4 hours at a time? as you know in the wilds 8-12
hours would be more appropiate.....