

New Member
I planning on stocking my tank with aggressive fish. It's been set up for almost a year now and I've gone through a few different kinds of fish but I really like the aggressive ones. It's a 40 gal. tank. I have a couple questions. I know I definitely want a lionfish. I'd also like a trigger or two. But what else should I get that will add some color, survive, and get along with the aforementioned? Also, can I keep snails, starfish and such with them?
Thanks for any help.


Active Member
A 40 is really much too small to house most of the larger predatory fish. There is no trigger that will work in your tank. A dwarf lion would be okay. You could also go with a large maroon clown and maybe one of the hamlets, but that's about it. Snails and crabs will be okay in this tank.