Restoring Old Turntable


I am helping a friend with an old turntable. He has a 1948 GE Musaphonic Console. It all works except the turntable makes no sound. I figure the needle is shot but I am having trouble finding stylus and cartridges for that old of model. It plays 78. 45, 33 records. The cartridge was marked n272 but that number doesn't seem to correlate over. I am wondering how to proceed. Could I use another type of cartridge?
Hopefully I figure this out. At least the belt and vacuum tubes are intact.


You would probably be better of buying a new turntable. Cartridges are expensive. Belt drive turntables that are simply used for playing records (no djing) are relatively inexpensive.


Just because it is an antique and it works so he wants to fix it so it completely works. And because the radio is in excellent condition it must be long band because he picks up the bbc and other stations like that. Got me but he wants to restore the whole thing to working order. I could get a good turntable at the auction cheap but I doubt he would want it. He really likes the console.