RetroFit kit going to be TOO hot?


Active Member
well my dad had this old place hood that came with the tank a long long time ago, and we just installed a retrofit kit on it, and the hood gets pretty hot, was wondering if the plastic would actually melt....
pc 96 watts one bulb


Active Member
i guess i'll have to build a barrior like my friend did but its not the same hood as my friend
but would the hood melt? thats what im concerned right now


Active Member
man... should i worry about that 96 watts in a plastic hood that is only an inch and half high? only 1 hole... should i drill more holes?


Active Member
I used vinyl gutters instead of the plastic. No kidding go to HD, Lowes or anybig hardware store. Buy some black, or brown vynyl gutters. Cut to the length desired install retro, and bam there you go. The first time you run it smells like rubber a little, but only for an hour and then your good.


Active Member
anyone know any websites/ diagrams to install a fan into a hood? can the fan be pointed down stead of side by side?
keep inmind i do not know anything about wiring sand such , computer fans have those cool lights on them, could i use those?
I wouldnt put it in a box man. Because the box can melt. I was gonna buy retrofits for 4x55 PC but I was scared so I just went with the Helios