Retrofit Kit w/legs


Is it possible for me to buy a retrofit kit and just set it up on legs rather than putting it into a canopy or hood. As far as looks go it is relevant since the tank is in the wall. I have a plexiglass top. Please help as lighting is driving me nuts. Basically, I am tryin gto afford to do VHO's


If that is the case why don't you build a shelf over the tank and hang the lights under it. That way tou have a storage area also... Just a thought


Since the tank is built into the wall I am very limited on the other side. I have a overhang in the middle of the tank that comes to about 3.5" from the tank and extends for about 5". This problem is casuing me to have to get two sets of lights instead of one. The wall is angled in a way that I do not think a canopy would be possible. One half of the back of the tank is very accessible and the other is only accessible through a small access panel off of the main room. I am trying to find the best solution. I really want VHO's (unfortunately, the way the tank is MH's are pretty much out of the question). The best would be JBJ since they are less than 3" high, I could run them the length of the tank. But I dont really want them. I could get a 36" and a 24" retro kit VHO for the same price. If I know I can jsut put them on legs or mount them to wood and make little stand than I will get them. The only benefit I see for a hood or canopy is for looks and access. I dont have to worry about looks and access will be a pain in the ass either way. Please tell me if I can mount retro;'s on legs, point a fan at it and everything will be alright.


i mounted my pc fixtures into old csl single strip shells, but you can do the same thing with rain gutters. then i just got some tile and cut it into supports for the lights to stand on.
the shelf thing is a winner though. and if you make the shelf really sturdy, like into studs and stuff, you can do the cheap-n-easy wavemaker and sit it up there as well and kill two birds with one stone. just make sure that the shelf can hold 100 lbs and you are set.