Retrofitting a NO Hood


Active Member
I'm pondering the idea of retrofitting a NO 15 watt hood with a 65w pc screw in bulb.
The thought being to just wire the bulb socket and insulate with shrink tubing. Screw in the bulb and away you go.
Fixture is to go over my refugium. I'm just using a 6500k no bulb over the fuge right now and I think it could use more light.
Any problems with my thinking that I might be missing?


I modified my 20L's stock hood. i bought a single 65w fixture, removed the no lights and put the fixture in it's place. cut a small opening for the power cord then put the stock lid Light cover on. vua la! I think that's how you spell it.


Active Member
Exactly what I was thinking of doing. Glad to hear it worked. From an electrical standpoint I think it's a no brainer. My biggest concern was heat. I think the reflector can handle it though.