return line help


I have a 70g want to add a sump(flow thru) also a closed loop design. i was thinking bout 20gph flow. so im going to do 2-1" OF drains with 2 1/4" bulk heads. not sure what to do exactly for the return?
also is that too much goin through the fuge? someone help!


one more thing should i drill one return and use a tee in the tank or drill two seperate return lines?


Active Member
Well, 20gph isn't going to be enough. Not even close. You'll wanna shoot for more like 700 gph through it. I think you had a typo too, 1/4in bulkheads? You'll want 2- 1 1/4in drains, you can do 1in bulkheads, but if your gonna drill, then you might as well do 1 1/4 bulkheads. The return would best be 1" T'd to 2 3/4in returns.


Active Member
Do 1 1/4, buy your bulkheads, then drill according to them. There are several different styles available, many have different diameters.
