Return pump


i was wondering what kind of return pump i should get if i just bought a refugium that can hold approx 35 gallons on a 125 gallon tank? Any suggestion would be of most help thankyou.


Active Member
what flow are you looking for? is your tank reef ready? overflow size? 1" or 1.5" hole gpoing to sump?


yes it is reef ready and the hose is 1 inch. I dont know what kind of flow what would be the right kind for my tank


Active Member
600 gph drain if its a single overflow... you now have to eqeul that with a return pump as close as possible accounting for head height.


Active Member
if you have a mag 7 which is stated as 700 gph at 0' head. (no resistance)
for each foot up the pump has to push the water you lose gph at the final destination.
if the sump is 4' below the main tank with 1" piping from the pump to the tank
all 90deg elbows are takin into consideration also and 45deg elbows
normal sump pump restiction will be:
3- 90deg elbows
1" piping
1 outlet so with a mag 7 return pump you are only putting 432 gph back in the tank. but your loosing 600gph..


I'm building a new 150 gallon reef with dual megaflow into a 40 gallon sump and will be using a danner supreme mag drive 1800 gph.
this setup is very close to yours,I hope this helps


I have a 150g with 1 downpipe and I just switched to a ehiem 1260, I don't see any drop from a mag 18 I was using before. ehiem is very good for restrictions. you a mag if you are going to have at least 1 inch plumbing. otherwise, it is no different from the ehiem I just got, much quieter and use up much less energy.