return pump


New Member
im currently setting up my new tank and going to go get a return pump for my 55 gallon today and i have a u-tube overflow rated at 600gph and i was wondering if a rio 1400 would be enough to keep up with it? it will have 2 90`s before it hits the tank and also go through a scwd with all 3/4 pvc also it will be about 5 feet up to the tank.
also i have a Orbit Compact Fluorescent totalling 260 watts and was wondering what corals would be safe with this light?
how do you keep a u-tube overflow going once the power comes back on after a outage i have heard tapping the u-tube and hooking a small power head up to it?
o and the fuge/sump is 30 gallons what would be a good light for this?