return pvc elbow


bought the AGA overflow kit...and the return line 45 degree elbow had a hole in middle (I noticed only after running the return pump). Well...this hole sprayed water back into the overflow. it was very loud.
what I did was PVC cement it shut. didn't feel like going to home depot for the millionth time to replace the part...
I'm wondering if the hole was made by AGA intentionally to release the air from the return line...or no...


I must say that I love your Avatar and your quote, I consider that the best movie of all time and have only watched it about 150million times and still counting :D ..but to answere your question I would contact the manufacture and ask them


Active Member
The hole was probably put there on purpose. It would perform as an anti-siphon device versus an anti-siphon check valve. If that is what it is...and the water spray from it bothers the hole, but put it further under water and drill the hole at an angle which forces the water downwards and out away from the glass.
Check valves have to be plumbed in and I could see a manufacturer working around that to simplify the consumers installation.
But then...I could be totally wrong.


(OT...and yeah, I've seen the movie about a thousand times at least 5 posters in my condo of scarface. love it. I think it's about time I watched that movie again...)


Active Member
Make sure you drill at an angle.
First spray bar I made I bought a $21.00 (ouch!) 1/2 check vavle...second one I made I drilled a hole with a 3 dollar drill bit I had...drilled it wrong...sprays against the glass...3rd one I made I drilled a hole using the same 3 buck drill bit and angled it down and into the tank, a small stream of bubbles...but once I get the LifeReef overflow adjusted, it will be no bubbles. With the second spray bar I will remake another one with the lesson I learned in mind.