Return/Sump pump reccomendations

My return pump in my sump has been making tons of noise recently and not running like it had in the past. I would like two reccomendations:
1. Reccomend a new model pump for a 55g tank.
2. Reccomend a way to dampen the vibrations/sound of the pump in the sump. Do you guys place the pump on some sort of noise dampening pad or something or just on the bottom of the sump?

scopus tang

Active Member
I place mine on top of a piece of the blue/white bonded filter pads. As Devil Dog pointed out, they do need taken apart and brushed out every so often. I personally use the Quietone return pumps.

scopus tang

Active Member
I think that its really a matter of how fast you want water moving through your sump, rather than gallons per hour on the tank itself; gph in the DT IMO must be supplemented with powerheads to gain the proper amount of flow. I'm running just under 1000 gph with a Quietone 4,000 on my 65gal, others might consider that high


Active Member
I agree with Scopus....
The flow objective should never be looked upon as a function of the filtration. Your filtration flow should be sufficient to handle the needs of your filtration equipment, then a closed loop or powerhead should be employed for circulatory flow.
When I had a 55g reef (I recently upgraded), I ran a 20g sump that was split in half, with a fuge and a return section, and a skimmer.
I ran a Mag 9.5 as the main return pump. I figure with head loss and all the different crap I had piled on to the return line, I was getting about 600gph. I then had a couple MJ powerheads in the tank providing supplemental flow.
I also used a filter pad under the pump.


Active Member
Like other have said, just put a pad under the pump and make sure none of the pump parts are touching the sump/refugium walls. That should take care of the vibration and noise.
I'm running Eheim 1262 pump in our 75 and am very happy with it's the quiet operation. It's a bit too powerful for the rquired flow but we've slowed the flow with a ball valve to the DT.