reusing a tank?


Does anyone know of any problems i might have by useing a tank i had a snke in if it is washed out well. And soaked for a day or two in mild bleach water? Than washed again? Has anyone ever done this with old reptile tanks before without problems??? It will be a saltwater tank.. Thanks for the help.


Active Member
You can try washing it out with white vinegar and water and rinse really well. Sometimes you're better off just buying a new tank. Why start off in this expensive hobby with a possible problem. :D


Im trying to see if i can avoid spending the cash on yet another tank. if i can do it this way with out any problems.


Active Member
After cleaning it out well with your bleach solution,( the bleach will kill the amonia left behind from the snake), rinse the tank thoroughly with fresh water. Then rinse it again with water that has chlorine remover in it, but make it a strong solution of chlorine remover.