Review my stocklist for me?


Active Member
My 180 gal aggressive stocklist..
Well... it's changed already about 1000 times, but here it is now:
Somewhat definite list:
1. Zebra eel
2. Blonde vs Reg Naso Tang (probably blonde)
3. Emporer Angel (adding last)
4. Queen angel vs Blueface angel (probably queen - to be added with emporer as the 2 last fish)
5. Volitian Lion vs Clown Trigger (probably lion - CT are awesome.. but..yeah)
6. Stars/Stripes puffer vs Striped dogface (probably S/S - more colorful)
7. Blue tang (only fish in the tank right now)
Maybe's (in addition to above):
8. Snowflake eel
9. Niger trigger
10. Purple tang
Well.... pleeeease help!
I want to have the list in stone before I start adding. THANKS!!!


Active Member
Most of those choices come down to personal preference. You shouldn't add a Volitan Lion or a Clown Trigger to that mix though. Both won't be suitable. Clown Triggers are train wrecks waiting to happen and you can't put a Lion with Puffers or Triggers. Also, I'm pretty sure the naso is a Tang ;)


Active Member
Seems like a good starting list. Can you post your filtration to see if it's enough? The Naso Tang will eventually outgrow a 180, as will the Queen Angel IMO. Also I don't feel totally confident with a Queen Angel and a lion either. My Blueface is nippy sometimes and can imagine a Queen.


Active Member
I would leave the lion out, and there is a probability with issuse between the blu and naso due to similar body shape. for a 180 I would pick.
1 large angel
1 large tang
1 puffer
1 large wrasse
1 eel, possibly 2 if they are less aggressive ones


Active Member
Add me to the list of those advising against the Lion...Lions may seem "aggressive" because of their size and predatory nature, but they really don't do well in a true "aggressive" set up. Pretty much every fish you have is rather large, I would keep it to around 7 fish at most....And i'm on the "agree with Hammer bandwagon" today, no FO set up is complete without a big active wrasse IMO, they add amazing color and activity to any tank.


I wouldn't put a lion with triggers and puffer, but otherwise it looks good. I'd probably skip the Queen Angel too because it grows so big and with all the other fish you have, it maybe too much.


Active Member
wow - you all are awesome... didn't expect so much feedback so quickly...
-- well, I can quickly see the lion is a bad idea... (unless I give up on the angel, puffer, and trigger). So no lion
-- So you all don't think the naso tang and blue tang will get along? I was wondering about that... My blue is the only fish in the tank... so if you all think they will fight - then the naso will be off the list also.
-- my filtration consists of a wet/dry (proclear premier 300 - rated for 300gal) with mag 12 pump, fluval 404 - to polish water if needed, Super skimmer rated for 220 (I know they are over-rated regarding gal), and a turbo twist UV... other than possibly upgrading my skimmer, do I need any other changes?
--I hadn't thought of a wrasse - got any rec's of which to get?


Active Member
'm not a big fan of Tangs, but the one thing I know is that you can only keep them together if they have different body shapes. Theres another thread on this same forum about types of Wrasse, some great info there but again theres tons of wrasse to pick from and I'd go with what you think looks cool :D


Active Member
I think the Naso and Blue will get along, it's just that for a permanent home, IMO the 180 is too small. Naso's will eventually need an 8' foot tank.


Your stocklist sounds fine except the lion IMO. you shoulden't have a problem with the naso and blue especially becuase the naso is a peaceful tang.
good luck!


Active Member
what do you think of the filtration? Will it suffice?
Would you all pick the S/S puffer or the Striped Dogface (I asked this on another thread, but I'm not certain yet)
I definitely doing the Zebra eel. Would you all do the snowflake also? Or just do the Zebra.
BTW - When getting all these fish - I like to get small to med sizes. I like to watch them grow...


Active Member
and another Q:
Preference b/w the blond naso and the regular naso tang? I've read that it's only a color morph. True? any other differences?


Active Member
We often hear people bad mouth the wet/dry, but I really liked mine on my last tank, just watch your nitrates and use a lot of good prefilter.
Do you have room for a better skimmer? Maybe say an ASM G-3 or Aqua C EV? You are going to have some big fish and lots of waste.
Wrasse recommendation....Sunset....aka Banana Wrasse, Beautiful, active, hardy, relatively inexpensive, not as aggressive as some of their "cousins", and so on.
Just my opinion, but I really prefer the Snowflake to the Zebra, prettier and more outgoing, plus far less expensive.
Either Naso is great, Blond is more striking though.
I like the Striped Puffer, but I would spend the money you could save getting the Snowflake eel and get a Black Puffer

And yes, getting smaller fish and watching them grow is more rewarding to me also.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Add me to the list of those advising against the Lion...Lions may seem "aggressive" because of their size and predatory nature, but they really don't do well in a true "aggressive" set up. Pretty much every fish you have is rather large, I would keep it to around 7 fish at most....And i'm on the "agree with Hammer bandwagon" today, no FO set up is complete without a big active wrasse IMO, they add amazing color and activity to any tank.
"agree with Hammer bandwagon"? Your the first one brave enough to take a seat, I hope you survive the ride my friend

As for a large wrasse I would go for a sunset, great yellow and green color, Kjr has a great looking one in his tank, I have a paddle fin in my tank, which is red yellow and blue it stays smaller that the sunset. I also have a harlequin tusk which is my absolute favorite. A red coris would also be nice, just pick the color patters you like most, the only one I would avoid would be the Lunar, they are nasty as the get larger.
I am glad to see you dropped the lion, they are great fish I have 2 volitans, and they are the reason I originally decided to keep saltwater fish, but they also force me to exclude other fish I would really like to keep especially triggers and angels.
Good lick with your tank


Active Member
The zebra eel and the striped dogface became available today! Guess what the next 2 additions to my tank are going to be! Luckily I was able to get them both (seems like there was only one of each - they became unavailable as soon as my order was done).