Review my water parameters please


as follows here is my water parameter taken in 3 different dates, i have a 20G tank. How do i get rid of the Nitrate? currently i put Carbon and i used RO/DI water bought from the LFS. what will happen if the calcium level is too high?! Thanks guys.
24/04 (Before Water Change)
PH: 7.8
NO2= 0
NO3= 20ppm
NH3: 0
Pho: 0.25
Cal: 460
Salinity: 1.024
26/04 (20% water Change)
PH: 8
NO2= 0
NO3= 20ppm
NH3: 0
Pho: 0
Cal: 540
Salinity: 1.024
PH: 8
NO2= 0
NO3= 20ppm
NH3: 0
Pho: 0
Cal: 540
Salinity: 1.024


Active Member
First check the water that you are buying. LFS's run a bunch of water in their systems and its always good to know what they are selling you.
What is your bio-load and how often do you change your water. Have you had the nitrate read by another test kit just in case?


Okay! tested the LFS Water and its good. i have about 20lbs of LR and 1inch of sandbed. I have 2 Ocellaris, 1 Sixline, 1 damsel, Red hermit, Cleaner, 6 Turbos, LPS, Sebae and BTA. I will bring my water to the LFS to check later on today. Thanks