Revovering from copper

Sooooooo.. i have copper in my tank. we hadnt been able to keep any snails alive for the past two months, so we asked our LFS. they recommended using a polly pad to deternime the culprit. it turned blue indicating copper. we have never dosed copper to cure ick or anything so it must be something in out tank. Does anyone have any ideas as to what is a usual problen causer.
Also does anyone know how to bring liverock that has possibly died in out tank back to life?


Active Member
how old is your house?do you use filtered water?live rock will "come back alive" in time when you put it back into a tank.
did you put a carbon reactor on the tank to remove the copper?
i have coppered a tank and then removed it .i added a cuc and had no problems but some will say it leaches into the silicone and you cannot do this .its a matter of debate.
Our house is 13 years old. And as for filtration of water, we have an RODI system. We have tested the RO water with a poly pad, and it is copper free. The tank is a 265 gallon acrylic tank. so it doesnt have any silicon.And as for the rock. it is still in the tank. we havent taken it out because it is about 650 lbs worth. we dont have a carbon reactor.
ps. we didnt put the copper in, we dont know where it came from?