royalshrimp, the Rhinopias is the other one, new photo below.
Yours, while superficially similar to the other one in my photo (S. papuensis) has major differences in head length, head/body proprtion, jaw length and placement and dermal appendages (the skin flaps "whiskers" on mine.
While I'm not sure, I belive yours is a S. brasiliensis or "Barbfish" from the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean (I've actually caught several over the years and they are among my favorites.
the differeences between scorpionfishes (all) and anglers are actually many and easy when you look closely, with the Scorpionfishes also known as the scaleycheeked fish (most have scales all over) while the anglers are scaleless and with leathery skin.
In the pectoral fins, the anglers are modified almost into arms, complete w/an elbow and fingers that they use in climbing through the LR, while the scorpiofishes are usually a variant of a large fan-shaped but normal fin, with the most extreme being in the Lionfishes, Gunnards and Sea robins.
The pelvic fins in the anglers are also highy modified almost into "duck feet" complete w/a knee and weebbed toes that they use with the pectorals to climb.
In most of the scorpionfishes the pelvics are just fins with a common mode of locomotion being a hopping on the botttom when not swimming normally, although a few (Spiny Sea devils(Innimicus) , Gunnards and Searobins have them modified into 2,4 or six individual legs with which they can walk or even run accross the bottom.
Any help?