ribbon eel


New Member
does anybody else have one. mine is about 2.5 to 3 feet long, still black and yellow. at what size will he change color to blue/yellow. he is an excellent fish killer and seems to always grab them right on the gills, pull em around then swallow em down. very pretty when coasting thru the water, almost ribbon like :thinking:.


i think he might of changed from the blue and black to the yellow and black...Black ribbons are all considered as males same goes for the blue...when yellow they are females...Yours is probably in the changing part from a male to a female...Good luck with himher


some are known to go from black right to yellow (and not from black to blue and to yellow)....it matters about the eel...


New Member
i dont really know how old he is. i asked him but he didnt reply. ive had him for a few months probably late winter early springish.