ricodria fragging


I was reading everyones ideas about fragging shrooms and I was wondering if the same applies to my beautifful ricordias?

mr . salty

Active Member
I would think so.I have a nice rock with 13 or more on it,All are splitting.One actually has FIVE MOUTHS.One was almost split on it's own,but the way it was hanging off the rock I was afraid when it did split it would fall into the rock never to be seen again.So I just cut it with a sharp sissors.The cutting had a small piece of rock stuck to it,so I just super glued it back on the main rock.Both pieces have healed compleatly,and now are starting to split again...


Here is a link from GARF about fragging ricordia. I have purchased 3 for the purpose of fragging them, but as of yet I have not.
<a href="http://www.garf.org/ricord/ricord.html" target="_blank">http://www.garf.org/ricord/ricord.html</a>
Kelly - Do you get some kickback for refferals to GARF? :) Just razzing ya, I know that site has a wealth of knowledge and is a great site to check out.


I wish I did, but I do not believe they know I exist. They have more experience than I do with fragging, I am just getting started with fragging. I have never recommend anything from their site, except for others to take a look at what they are doing to get more information.
I do not mind the razzing, and would enjoy the kick backs, either in cash or corals, but I am sure that it will not happen. If you are aware of another site with good info on fragging, I am sure many others here would also be interested. I have seen a few other sites, but none in my opinion with the wealth of knowledge/information that they offer. Besides that I like to look at their pics.


There is a book out there somewhere that is specifically about fragging corals. I think I saw it in the dry goods section here at SWF, but haven't ordered it yet. If I remember right Admin here even posted about it.


I just looked it up, and the book is called "Book of Coral Propogation" by Anthony Rosario Calfo. I did some research on it, only to find that the author lives about 1.25 hours from where I live, and in the same city where I buy some of my corals. Thanks for the information, from the reviews it looks like it will be a good book, and I look forward to getting a copy of it. I set aside $50.00 for some frags that may be better spent on the book.


Great informationon the ricordias - I just bought a single bright green polyp for $9 and it seems to be growing bigger. HOpefully it will split on it's own and I won't have to get into the surgery.