Ricordea Health


I bought 3 ricordea from swf and all three look different. How do you tell whether they are healthy or not? One is a pale pink color and waves all the time. One is light green and will wave every once in a while. The third is a darker green and is not as plump as the other two & doesn't "wave" at all. All three open and close intermittantly. Any ideas?


I am not to sure I have little to no experience with ricordea. but you might post this in the reef forumn to get a wider coral keeping group and see what they have to say.


Active Member
If they are still new then they will act kinda weird. But if they are opening up real nice then I would say they are fine. As long as they dont stay closed for awhile or start to shrivel up then they are fine.


Are they all together? If not, there may be variations of the water flow that effects them. That is the case in my tank.


There are differnt color variations in ricordea. I wouldnt worry about it they are a tough shroom.
Here are my 2 ricordea's ones pale green and growing fast other is newer and has strong colors.


are they very hardy???
Are they the best to start with when you are starting a reef???
I still need equipment and rearrange my rock, but I wanted to do some research on what the best things are to start with.
SWF.com sells 5 ricordea for $20.00. My lfs mentioned something about charging me $100.00 for 5. He said that they were mushroom polyps. That seems high to me. Are the ones on SWF.com a good size when you get them???? How do you attach them???

tony detroit

Active Member
Superglue/rubberband to rock. If you do superglue, do it slow, you can get it on a fingertip and then get it on the coral and mess things up.
You can also use marine epoxy if it is already on a small piece of rock to secure that piece to a larger piece of rock.