Ricordea... Help


How would i go about taking the ricordea (pic below) off of the rock i received it on and onto another one?



Active Member
It all depends on how much time you want to put into it, and how much time you have
. I use a tile saw to cut away frags that need to be put through minimal stress and removed quickly, a dremel tool works just as good as well. If not you can use a buck knife or any object that can cut through reef rock which is very porius and easy to work a tool into it. Cut it off of the rock below the base. Most LR is very easy to chisel. Ricordea Florida and I can assume Yuma as well
can be out of the water for a long period of time, so dont worry about it being out of the tank. I have had them dry shipped to me and they recovered
From your pic I would place the rock on a towel and break away any of the rock you dont want and super glue it to or place it where it needs to be.


Well just so everyone knows what i ended up doing is actually "pulling" the Ricordea off the rock. It was only attached to two small rocks and it turned out to be pretty simple. I pulled at a steady slow pressure, more or less, until it simply 'let go'. I don't think that i hurt it any, as it has been 5 days since i did this and it has now attached to the big rock i placed it on and is looking very healthy.
Thanks for the reply efishnsea. I will remember this in the future.


I have heard (I have yet to try it), to use an air pump and direct some bubbles under the ric. It will get irritated and let go of its hold on its own.