

i purchased a piece of rock with 4 half dollar size Ricordea mushrooms. i placed them at the bottom of the tank and within a few hours all but one popped off the rock and started rolling away. surprisingly enough, there are two small shrooms that are growing on that rock. they were hidden by the ones that popped off. i hope the venturing shrooms will find a good spot considering my viewing pleasures :)


Active Member
wow thats kinda weird. Speaking of ricordea, i was in a lfs in denver last week, and they had a shroom that was a ricordea shrrom, but when i asked both of the employees what it was and how much it was, they said it wasnt a ricordea, and was 15 bucks. this rock was about 3 inches long by 2 wide and had 3 med. sized shrooms on it. man i snatched that up w/o thinking twice. plus, the shrooms were brown in the store, but under my pc's are bright green!
good luck


Active Member
man kickster, you should send some my way. A single ricordea polyp costs like 25 bucks here in CO. WHere are you from?