ricordia florida


My new coral has been doing great for 1 week but today I noticed approx 1/8 of the buds were not opened since I am new to coral I dont Know if this is normal or somehing in the tank has damaged the buds. I have 8 turbo snails, 1 fire angle, 1 yellow tank, 1 percula clown, and 1 fire shrimp that I seldom see in the tank(waste of money as far as I am concered) Although my reserch indicated My inhabitants are reef safe I suspect My fire shrimp may be damaging my ricordia is this at all possible.


your fire shrimp WILL NOT hurt anythng , not even other shrimps . He will stay away from most things other than fish that let him clean thier gills and body.
He will stear clear from other shrimps and semi-aggresive fish and the problem you are having it most likely that crabs or snails climbed on the mushroom and some of its tenticles retracted from this happening.
hope this helps


Originally Posted by SALTYSTEVE
My new coral has been doing great for 1 week but today I noticed approx 1/8 of the buds were not opened since I am new to coral I dont Know if this is normal or somehing in the tank has damaged the buds. I have 8 turbo snails, 1 fire angle, 1 yellow tank, 1 percula clown, and 1 fire shrimp that I seldom see in the tank(waste of money as far as I am concered) Although my reserch indicated My inhabitants are reef safe I suspect My fire shrimp may be damaging my ricordia is this at all possible.
is a fire angle a flame angel? if so, i bet it's the culprit. I doubt it's the fire shrimp