Ricordia getting stung my anemone.

I have ricordia on a large peice of LR and my anemone dicided he liked the same peice very close to the ricordia. My anemone is stinging my ricordia making it look very stressed and shriveled. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? Can I move the ricordia? Can I move the anemone?


Active Member
I would move the Ric before I would move the Nem. You know of course that the Nem could decide to move again to another spot and you may have to move something else. That is the problem with keeping Anemones in my opinion, you have to keep a constant vigil on what it is bothering. If I were to do a tank with an anemone in it I would set the tank up as that being my center pc.
But that's just me!!!!!


New Member
I had a similar problem with an anm. before, all I did was change the water flow just a little and he moved to a different spot.