ricordia resuscitation


I got 3 ricordia with my live rock purchase, two are doing great on the sand bed, the third is struggling, color is not bright and it does not spread out like the other two as I have tried several different spots (left it there for 2-3 days at each spot). Do any of you out there any ideas that could help this poor guy.
My tank just finished cycling 10 days ago (ricordia were not in the tank) and water test was perfect, so I added livestock below on 4/9 and everything is doing great.
54 corner
PC 130 w
55 # lr
50 # sand
1 coral beauty
5 scarlet hermits
8 turbo snails
3 conch
2 cleaner shrimp
3 peppermint
1 brittle star
1 serpent star
1 feather duster


It took awhile for one of my ricordia to open up. One has just started to open up and I've had them about 2 weeks. I put them on top of the LR close to the lights. They seemed to do better there. HTH


Try feeding him. I give mine raw shrimp. They love it and open up with great color after they eat. I have only had mine for a month in a 10 gallon with an 18 watt nofl do you all think they need more light? If so I can put them in another 10 gallon that has 2 27 watt compacts or into my 55 which has 4 40 watt no 7,500K bulbs. ;)