

New Member
Hello reefers.
I wondered if someone could help me with my rics. I'm running a 20g high, 96 watt pc, lr, a firefish, a wrasse, a cleaner shrimp and a couple hermits and snails. My trumpet coral, leather and Zoos look happy. I can't seem to find a spot in the tank that my ricordia like. They continue to look like funnels....you know, they aren't open fully. When I see pictures, they look like they are open fully and flat. At first I thought there might want more light so I moved them up. Then I thought it may be that they are getting too much current so I moved them to a lower current spot. Still they are funneled up. My water test mint, my calcium is right on........what am I missing?


New Member
I have four big rics on one piece of rock. One of them has two mouths and one other had two mouths when I got it but now seems to have four without having fully split. They are orange with blue tips.


Active Member
medium light medium flow .... too much flow and they get ticked - not enough light and they "reach"
good luck