Riddle Me Again?


Active Member
It's been a while since we've had a good, wholesome riddle here on SWF.com...
I'll try it again. Please do not search for the answer and then post it. Do not tell the answer if you've heard this one before. Some of us want to play. You may post the answer if you figure it out (of course). You may also pm me the answer if you don't feel like ruining it for others. If you do end up ruining it, just realize that you are a poon and nobody likes you.
Well...that was excessive.
Anyway, on to the riddle.
Rule 1: You may ask any yes or no question you wish. Realize that not every question you ask will be answered with yes or no. Sometimes I may say that it is irrelevant or ask you to rephrase your question (sometimes you guys make absolutely no sense).
Rule 2: Always obey rule 1.
Rule 3: You may disobey rule 2.
Rule 4: Never obey rule 3.
Just kidding...Here's the riddle:
It was a cool spring day in the year 1252. It was late at night and the king's favorite knight was guarding the castle. The night fell asleep and while asleep he had a premonition. In his dream, he saw the kingdom meet a terrible fate. The next morning, the knight entered the castle and immediately told the king about his dream. The king sincerely thanked the knight and then ordered this knight to be executed. Why?


Active Member
It was late at night and the king's favorite knight was guarding the castle. The night fell asleep and while asleep he had a premonition. In his dream, he saw the kingdom meet a terrible fate. The next morning, the knight entered the castle and immediately told the king about his dream. The king sincerely thanked the knight and then ordered this knight to be executed. Why?
Is it important that they are spelled different?


Active Member
Yeah, I actually got that one pretty fast too. Good work. I have a million more up my sleeve. I'm not gonna lie, I don't feel like starting one. Does anyone else have any good riddles?


Active Member
I can run but can't walk.
I have a mouth but can't eat.
I have a bed but don't sleep.
I have a head but never weep.
What am I?


Active Member
I have a really good one.
A father and son are driving down the freeway. Their vehicle is hit. The boy is seriously injured and the father dies. When the boy is rushed to the hospital the surgeon says, "I can't operate on this boy, he's my son."


Well-Known Member
I don't know how t PM you..s I hope I don't ruin the game..
The surgeon is the boys Mother. Should I post a riddle now?


Active Member
Mommy.....sorrry I already knew that one. I have one but I need to think about it to phrase it right.


Active Member
First part says a father and a son it does not actually say his son. The boy is injured and the father dies, it never says his father. IDK just a shot in the dark.


Active Member
A woman is at her mother's funeral. She meets a man, who is a friend of the family but she doesn't personally know. She is captivated by him but he leaves without her getting his name.
The next day she kills her sister.
What is her motive for killing her sister?


Active Member
That works with the way I worded it. That wasn't the answer I was looking for though lol. This is a very popular and well known riddle.