this morning i go to feed my 3 african clawed frogs, only to find 2! Darren hopped out of his tank and is no where to be found. he either fell victim to the dog or is dried up somewhere
now all i have left is Samantha and Darren:nope:
RIP Darren
the only conceivable way of him jumping out would be the back of the tank lid. see that plastic flap?
he could have pushed that up when he's partially my fault for filling the tank so high
Oh Darren...
you were great, you were special, you were one of a kind. i never had a chance to know you but one day we will all be united. sometimes life throws us lemons and we MUST make lemonade...allow my lemonade to flow. in honor of darren, i would like to request that everyone in this thread types in various colors to represent flowers. flowers that we should all be placing. l love you darren
....... umm... I <3