RIP Ernie


My little buddy passed on this morning. He had a good life, was big and fat, but in the end he convulsed a few times and joined Davey Jones (the sailor not the singer).
Ernie was a Caribbean Blenny with great markings on a mottled brown/off white body...small specks of red and blue in his dragonete like fins. He had a funny high top knot of red "hair", hense the Ernie reference. 4" at final ceremonies.
Yesterday he let me know he time was almost up, I suspect it was a breakdown of one of his systems or something internal was bothering him. Was very aggetated, was quick jerking movements and convulsions. He stopped eating 2 days ago that I saw, but was still breathing ok, and the rest was normal. Good color, still fat belly, bright eyes, and clean full fins. So I suspect internal or age.
So good bye little dude, you were funny. Rest assured, in my families fine pet naming tradition, Ernie will live Ernie II.
(I have clean pics of him, but yet again I am looking for decisive directions on loading images...I see the above drop for IMG "insert your image", it is the next step that has me somewhat baffled. I am not as computer savie as I am "build anything with your hands" savie. So any specific help, beyond click on IMG would be appreciated and quite helpful!)
Ray Boemler


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your loss.
To attach a picture, there is a section on the page where you type your post right above the "Submit Reply" button; it's called "Attach File". Click the "Browse..." button in the "Attach File" section, and a file dialogue box will open. You will then be able to search through your files to find the one you would like to attach. For the file to display in your post, it must be attached as a .jpg file. Also, doesn't allow pictures larger than 500x500 pixels, so you might need to resize your picture in photo editing software.
Again, I'm sorry to hear about Ernie.


Ok this is my first attempt at teh image...thank you very much for the direction...i was stuck looking at the top of tehpage...slap to forehead!
Bye Ernie:happyfish


Just one more, I know he isn't bright blue, scarlet red, or electric yellow, but he was funny and fiesty!
Image is a bit fuzzy, he moved at last second.


I was trying to find a good image when he would change color a bit, go into a little banded stance, but I didnt have one...He was always moving fast in that state, guess it was his excited colors.
But did find one with a bit more of his red dots showing.
Thanks for wishes, he was uncommon common fish.


Ernie the Blenny lived in my left show fuge...yes I have a center tank and a pair of show fuges at either side, giving an illusion of a much larger tank but allowing me to have fuges and species only tanks.
Since he has left, and he was the star of that 20gal fuge, his place has been leased with an option to buy, by a cultured Octopus Bimaculoides. A baby really, 7-8 weeks old and only 3" tip to tip. But the new leasor, a Mr. Howard Lovecraft, will enjoy the established fuge with a great deal of relish I think.
He is to be joined, in the other fuge, by his step brother, a Mr. Phillip Lovecraft. Phillip is an undefined (have not seen him yet) species of Mantis Shrimp. I have bids, offers, options for several...but alas one has not confirmed as of yet, but soon I hope.
Have a good one all.