Ziggythefish, my 2 year old Clown Trigger. I watched him suffer for 3 days in the Ich infested waters of my 72bow.
Hypo was too little too late and I buried him in my local park this afternoon.
If he didnt turn on Scurry, his tankmate cleaner shrimp of 2 years, and eat him - maybe the parashits (oops, spelling) wouldnt have gotten a hold on him.
I couldnt be sadder and I only hope that Coward, my 10" Volitan Lion pulls through this hard time, as he is infected too.
Ziggythefish, my 2 year old Clown Trigger. I watched him suffer for 3 days in the Ich infested waters of my 72bow.
Hypo was too little too late and I buried him in my local park this afternoon.
If he didnt turn on Scurry, his tankmate cleaner shrimp of 2 years, and eat him - maybe the parashits (oops, spelling) wouldnt have gotten a hold on him.
I couldnt be sadder and I only hope that Coward, my 10" Volitan Lion pulls through this hard time, as he is infected too.