


My royal gramma, Jasmine, was found dead yesterday morning. Only the day before did i change the water. However, i dont believe this was the culprit, because my snails, percula, and hammer coral are as healthy as can be.
I believe Enrique, my clownfish is the culprit; he stressed the gramma out too much. let's have a moment of silence...

OK! So guys, with such a pesky false percula, what fish would put up with or not care about him constantly swimming around in its face???


My condolences on your loss. It's never easy to find something floating belly-up in your tank. But take comfort in knowing that Jasmine's swimming in a better place now, a place where ammonia, nitrates, and nitrates are never a problem, a place free from the harassment she endured from Enrique.
And besides, her ghost will probably come back and haunt Enrique! :scared:


i have a diadem dottyback that gets along with my clowns great...shes aggressive enough to where she wont take any crap and they are very beautiful


Active Member
Originally Posted by AZReefGirl
My condolences on your loss. It's never easy to find something floating belly-up in your tank. But take comfort in knowing that Jasmine's swimming in a better place now, a place where ammonia, nitrates, and nitrates are never a problem, a place free from the harassment she endured from Enrique.
And besides, her ghost will probably come back and haunt Enrique! :scared:
lol hahah that's cute... sorry for your loss... :(


i agree on a sixline. i just got one yesterday and i love him. right now hes still a little shy though. they can be semi aggressive and i think they could easily hold their own against a clown. also make sure you have a lot of holes and caves in ur live rock because they love to swim all through them.


hehe maybe ill look into a sixline...
i was previously thinkin how friggin great itll be to have a dragon goby... what do yall think about those fish?


Active Member
six lines shure are cool... unfortunately the one i bought was diseased, and sickly when i bought him... great looking fish, but just couldnt take the stress of moving... i would like to get another one...


yea so i traded in that devil of a clownfish, bought a small maroon clownfish who's so much more chill, and a sixline wrasse, who yes, i adore!
its ridiculous how curious and confident the wrasse moves about in the tank, inspecting every nook and cranny, its great!


Active Member
maroons are alot more agressive than the oscellaris. They also get alot bigger. ALOT bigger. Having a clownfish swim in his face shouldnt have killed him. Unless the clown was attacking there shouldn't have been too much stress. Maybe it was just the end of his life.