Riterri Anemone


Active Member
Any one have any good experiences with this animal? My LFS has a monster that he claims would go great in a 20 with a couple of maroon clowns. I'm a bit sceptical.


Active Member
No experience with a r. anemone - but Maroon clown pair woudl e a bit large for a 20 gallon - you are talking 6-7 inches of fish in a reef style tank - going by 1 inch per 5 gallons that is 2-3 inches oversized .... and that is conservative - maroon females can get to be about 4 inches and the male fairly close (making alost 8 inches) .... so when they are younger sure .... but as they get larger it woudl be a bit cramped ....


Active Member
Overanalyzer. Great point on the maroon sizes. I wasn't even focusing on that aspect. Thinking too much about the ritteri. Thanks for pointing that out. I guess if the anemone is one of the few hardy ones then I could reconsider the tank size to something more appropriate. But then again, maybe a pair of percs?


Active Member
Hey Jumpfrog I am slowly setting up a 20 with a pair of percs and setting up the stuff to raise the fry once they start breeding. They have settled in nicely ..... 20 Gallon tall with 150 Watt 50/50 URI Bulbs over the top. Say hello to Mrs. Pepper and Mr. Salt ....
Another thing to think about is those Maroons are BITTERS!!!!!!! The Percs or Ocellaris are much less agressive.
I Love my Ocellaris!!!
LOL NewBe: I have a false percula that will attack the hand that is feeding him or cleaning the tank with out a second thought. The little turd can draw blood. I keep threatening him with the trigger tank :p
jumpfrog : Riterri are one of the hardest anemones to keep. They need a very stable tank and IMO halides to thrive. I personally have never kept one but they have got a few in at the shop where I part time. The ones we have got in are always stressed out. they are a pain to get to eat and we can just hope they survive. I have tried talked the boss into not getting anymore, but I am sure that if they are on special I will see another. They are a very beautiful anemone, but they just don't seem to do well in aquaiums.



Originally posted by overanalyzer
No experience with a r. anemone - but Maroon clown pair woudl e a bit large for a 20 gallon - you are talking 6-7 inches of fish in a reef style tank - going by 1 inch per 5 gallons that is 2-3 inches oversized .... and that is conservative - maroon females can get to be about 4 inches and the male fairly close (making alost 8 inches) .... so when they are younger sure .... but as they get larger it woudl be a bit cramped ....

My experence with my marron clown is that it hardly ever leaves its anemone excpet durring feeding, so how would it be a bit cramped if they just hung out in the anemone all day?


Active Member
Clowns do not need an anemone to live a healthy and happy life in captivity. You can take that statement as a fact.
All anemones will have horible survival rates, and few live over 4 months, esspecially the Ritteri Anemones. An Anemone of any kind should not be bought for the clowns. Anemones may move where they wish, which gives them a high chance of stinging other corals, getting stuck in a powerhead, or getting stung. Anemones are actually not "Real" reef inhabitants. Many have only been recently introduced into reef aquariums. For the most part, anemones do not survive well in the home aquariums. Even if you had the perfect setup, it probably will still die.
If you want something for your clowns to host in, I would recommend a Toadstool leather (Sarcophyton sp.) for your clownfish. These will make perfect hosts for the clownfish, and often will resemble an Anemone. Many other types of leathers including the Devils Hand (Lobophytum sp.), Spaghetti Leather (Sinularia flexibis) and Finger Leather (Sinularia sp.) will also work fine.
Other good hosts include the Colt coral (Cladiella sp., or, Alcyonium sp.), Kenya Tree (Capnella sp.-should be added to a mature aquarium), Alveopora (Alveopora sp.), Torch Coral (Euphyllia glabrescens), Hammar Coral (Euphyllia ancora), Bubble Coral (Plerogyra sp.), Green Star Polyps (Pachyclavularia sp.), Xenia (Xenia sp.?), Frogspawn (Euphyllia sp.
), etc.
There were many I never meantioned, only due to the care level required for them, and the difficulty of keeping them sucessfully alive. Some of these include the Flowerpot (Goniopora sp.
), Plate Coral (Heliofungia Actiniformis
), and Elegance (Catalaphyllia sp.
) to name a few.
Please do not buy an anemone. Save your money and buy it on something that will actually live.
Anemones do best in the ocean, which is where they belong.
Take Care,


Active Member
Thanks guys. You've sold me. The ritteri stays at the LFS. I have clowns in three different tanks and none of them have their anemone to host in. A pair of australians hang out above some blade calurpa, a true perc hangs with a hammer during the day and sleeps in a bubble coral at night and a monster tomato that is only interesting in food:D
I was just wondering if ritteri's were those "rare" anemones that could do well in our home aquaria.