Ritteri anemone and false percula clownfish.


i just purchased a Ritteri anenome to put in my 28 gal nano cube with 105wat CF-Quad Conmbo lighting. I got it for my false percula clowns. First of all, is it normal for the Ritteri to close up when the lights go out? And whats a good way to try to get my clowns to host with it? I heard when you put the lights off, after a few hours, slowly guide the clown (s) towards the anenome and repeat every night untill it eventually becomes its home. Is that right? Please someone help me out. THanks


Active Member
It's totally up to the fish to host it.. but some people claim putting a picture of a clown hosting an anemone so the fish can see actually works.
I've never had any luck with my dumb clown fish -- he hosts a cave so you can only see him at feeding time.


Active Member
My Rose BTA closed up and dissappeared so I just figured it was gone.... 3 weeks later I was telling a fellow reefer who was at a meeting when I got it that it was gone... and lo and behold looking into the tank there it was again. So... hard to say -- they can close up, move around, etc.
I pulled my BTA out of my main tank and now sitting in my frag tank fully extended except when I feed it :)


oh really? your clowns didnt host with the BTA? Im just also worried about the anenome dying, and when it does it releases its toxins and may kill everything in the tank. Thats why i need the best care for it. I hope the closing up in normal and doesnt mean that its uncomfortable.