Ritteri Anemone


I just put my Ritteri in my 180. I just bought it from a LFS and he really hooked me up with the price. I practically stole it from him. It's been in the tank for about an hour now. It took about 5 seconds before the Clowns found it. It was pretty awesome. I saw it fully opened and its about 10 inches across. Here are some pics.
Not the greatest pics...I suck a tank pics. One with the flash and one without the flash



Looks a little bleached, but should rebound if you have the proper lighting. It is alson good that it has already attached to something. Looks GOOD


New Member
Originally Posted by cichlidKid
Looks a little bleached, but should rebound if you have the proper lighting. It is alson good that it has already attached to something. Looks GOOD

i doubt it... most LFS owners will sell something cheap mainly because they know it will not make it. this is one of those cases. Ritteri anemones are notoriously hard to keep in captivity. nobody knows the secret... actually... i only know of one person keeping them successfully. good luck with yours.


Originally Posted by abe
i doubt it... most LFS owners will sell something cheap mainly because they know it will not make it. this is one of those cases. Ritteri anemones are notoriously hard to keep in captivity. nobody knows the secret... actually... i only know of one person keeping them successfully. good luck with yours.

Yeah I've heard all the horror stories about them being hard to keep. I'm willing to take that chance at the price I got it at. You have me beat, I dont know anyone that has one in captivity...lol. Thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get.


New Member
Originally Posted by Kornele23
Yeah I've heard all the horror stories about them being hard to keep. I'm willing to take that chance at the price I got it at. You have me beat, I dont know anyone that has one in captivity...lol. Thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get.
its someone in california. with a 3600 gallon tank. has A LOT of them and has great success with them too. they even propogate in his tank.
How long is a long time to keep one? I had 2 of them but one decided to get sucked in my pump and got chopped up.
I have had mine for about 3 months now and still looks great.

rod buehle

H.magnifica is one of the most demanding anemones. They will want as much light and as much flow that you can give them. They will usually climb to the highest spot on the reef and they do the same in our tanks. Most would recommend atleast 250s for lights with 400s being a better choice.
I have a couple of them but only short term. One of them I have had for 3-4 years, and another for about a year. When dealing with anemones, I consider that short term. I have a couple of S.giganteas too, one of them is 15 years, and I dont even consider that long term.
Good luck.


Originally Posted by Rod Buehle
H.magnifica is one of the most demanding anemones. They will want as much light and as much flow that you can give them. They will usually climb to the highest spot on the reef and they do the same in our tanks. Most would recommend atleast 250s for lights with 400s being a better choice.
Good luck.

Yeah I hear they can be demanding. I have 4 -1200 MJ w/mods. Each one of them throwing out 2000 gph. I also have 3- 400 MH's 12k Reeflux. I have all that covered....lol. I just need to get lucky and hope it gets over the initial shock of moving from the dealer to the LFS to my tank in 24hr period of time. Thanks.


I had one in my 55 gal. it lasted for about 3 months it was doing good,then
it just went to the bottom an died. it is one anemone that should be left
in the ocean. JMO

rod buehle

Originally Posted by Kornele23
Yeah I hear they can be demanding. I have 4 -1200 MJ w/mods. Each one of them throwing out 2000 gph. I also have 3- 400 MH's 12k Reeflux. I have all that covered....lol. I just need to get lucky and hope it gets over the initial shock of moving from the dealer to the LFS to my tank in 24hr period of time. Thanks.

Sweet. Has it started to climb upwards yet?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rod Buehle
H.magnifica is one of the most demanding anemones. They will want as much light and as much flow that you can give them. They will usually climb to the highest spot on the reef and they do the same in our tanks. Most would recommend atleast 250s for lights with 400s being a better choice.
I have a couple of them but only short term. One of them I have had for 3-4 years, and another for about a year. When dealing with anemones, I consider that short term. I have a couple of S.giganteas too, one of them is 15 years, and I dont even consider that long term.
Good luck.
this is probably some of the best input I have ever heard about anemone and "success for long term" 15 years as you said while it seems long for us is a very short time for an anemone as they can easily live for hundreds of years in the wild if they avoid predation and disease. bravo sir
Just lost my ritteri today. Had em for 3 months. Did really well for the first couple months then shrank, dropped off the rock, and started to fall apart. Had em in a 90 gallon, all parameters were nominal. Frustrating. Good luck and let us know how it goes.


Originally Posted by scubamatt007
Just lost my ritteri today. Had em for 3 months. Did really well for the first couple months then shrank, dropped off the rock, and started to fall apart. Had em in a 90 gallon, all parameters were nominal. Frustrating. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Sorry to hear that. I hope I have better luck.