Ritteri or Bubble Tip Anemone?


Hello SWF,
I just came from my LFS and I saw they had a few Rose BTA, BUT they were pretty small, maybe 1-3 inches diameter. I was wondering how fast do they grow if I were to get it. They were selling it for $30.
They also had the normal Brown BTA's for $40, but were pretty big, maybe 7-9" diameter or so.
I also so a Sebae, which looked nice, but I don't hear much about them for False Percs?
Oh, there was also another LFS trying to sell a Ritteri Anemone for $50, and that was huge, but I heard it is hard to keep? According to him, these don't move as much as Bubble Tips.
Your suggestions would be helpful. I have a T5 HO lighting.
Looking to buy an anemone for my 2 Fale Percs I bought a couple weeks ago.


If you feed them well they will grow fast. 30 bucks is a pretty good deal even if they were one a couple inches. I bought my RBTA for 100 bucks and it's about 3-4 inches. I have a Green bubble anenome with a false perc, and the RBTA with a black ocellaris. Mine have never moved very much from there initial spot. Gotta love them!!


When choosing a RBTA then, do I choose one that is already bubbled up?
I am still considering the Ritteri because of its size. Hmmm
don't let the RBTA size fool you.. mine was 3" across when I bought it 3 months ago. With mysis shrimp once per week and whatever my clowns decide to feed it, it has grown to just at 8" across last time I checked (2 weeks ago). That aside, you want to get one that has it's foot stuck to something solid if you go with the BTA, such as the live rock. also have them feed it before you get it so you can be sure it is eating. Don't get one that looks white or like it is losing its color either. Best of luck!


Active Member
stay away from ritteri's. a) they grow way to big for most tanks b) they hardly ever survive in captivity c) if you have to ask dont even think about one. requires high light, tons of flow and prestine water as well. sebae's dont do much better long term.


Go with the 7-8 inch Bubble tip for $40.00 bucks. That is a great price for such a large anemone! But if you want the rose, $30.00 is a steal for one! It will grow given the right amount of light/fed and water conditions.
What do you have for lights in your tank?


Ok, I will get the Rose Bubble tip. My lights are the Wave Point T5HO Retrofit kit 48" for a 110 gal tank. It has 4 bulbs with it. I should be ok right?
4 T5 may be a little weak with that size tank for a nem. It may be ok higher up though. Most people usually recommend 6 T5's for that size tank to support a nem long term. Mine did ok in my 29gallon with 2 T5's for about a month, but REALLY started growing when I went up to 4. (36" fixture on mine). Maybe someone else can chime in with more info :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by alvin
Ok, I will get the Rose Bubble tip. My lights are the Wave Point T5HO Retrofit kit 48" for a 110 gal tank. It has 4 bulbs with it. I should be ok right?
i did a search on your light and it is recommended for soft coral only not a good light for anemone also how long have you had the tank?


I have had my tank for over 2 yrs. However, my tank crashed about 3-4 months ago due to ich. It has been fishless, invertless for 2 months and have started it up again, with these new lights.
Hmmm... That sucks if I can't keep an anemone, but it is good to know now than later. I thought that having a T5HO with reflectors would allow me to keep an anemone? Any other opinions.
But yah, I have a feeling my tank might be cycling again, because I haven't been 'ghost feeding' the tank during the fishless stage. I am getting neon green algae and a few hair algae. I am going to buy some more snails and crabs tomorrow, I was hoping to snag that RBTA, but if my T5's will not handle it, then I'll just buy another fish, maybe.