ro di and prime


Originally Posted by sign guy
If I do a 10% water change a week, with rodi water should I still use prime for stress?
I view that as personal choice,. I have never ever used it so I see no need or advantage to use it. Why would fish get stressed by a water change to such a point to get concerned with? Now if yur into adding allkind sof supplements then go for it if it makes yu feel better but personally I tend to shy away from all supplements but B-ionic and calciums, but thats my personal choice.


The fish create their own slime coat, and if they are in good shape there is no reason their slime coat is gonna leave just because you do a water change. I have read a few articles stating the so called slime coat replacers is just snake oil anyhow. Its not really a part opf what the fish naturally produces and in no way does it realy protect anything against anything. All it is is a supplement that makes the water itself slimey feeling so its assumed its replaceing the slime coat. The article I read went on to say its like products made to enhance and make your nails grow. Once the nail leaves the cuticle / root the nail is done receiving any nourishment or help from any diet or additivie given it. Same thing applies to fish its simply like putting on a moisturizer, and its questionable if it really does help a fish at all. I really dunno all the aspects of it, I just do not use supplements.