RO/DI gallon jugs from Supermarket?


Active Member
As I was shopping today I went down the water isle to see if I could find RO water not expecting to find any. BUT, I noticed gallon jugs of "Purified Water" and when I picked it up to read more it said it was processed by RO/DI. So I'm assuming this is the same water that all of you use for your tank. I do plan to see about getting an RO/DI system, but until then will this "Purified Water" from my supermarket work? They were selling them for 59 cents per gallon. I will be checking with my Water & Ice store tomorrow, but was just curious if anyone used those gallon jugs from the store.

tin can sailor

New Member
I have only been paying .35 for RO water from my LFS. I too live in the Phoenix, AZ area and have been patronizing Aqua Touch(LFS) at 32nd street and Cactus.


Staff member
I used distilled bottled water for years....but then the cost of such compared to installing my own system made be go ahead and setup my own DI/RO system.
I'd get distilled, then test it to see if it has nitrates, phosphates, etc. I used the distilled water from Kmart.


Active Member
Hi neighbor.
Well, the gas alone would cost me more to drive that far. I live in far east Mesa, almost AJ. I certainly would not fill my 125 gallon tank this way (meaning gallon jugs, but WILL use RO/DI water). But for quick top offs, or adding some to my QT I was wondering if these gallon jugs would be ok. I will be checking with my lfs, Aquarium Arts, on there prices.


I use the Glacier machines. At .25 a gallon you can't beat it. And it tells you when it was last serviced on the front of the machine. Never tested bad, and I've been using it for 2 years now. Water and Ice is the same price too, I think.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Outatime97
I use the Glacier machines. At .25 a gallon you can't beat it. And it tells you when it was last serviced on the front of the machine. Never tested bad, and I've been using it for 2 years now. Water and Ice is the same price too, I think.
I was also wondering about those machines, so thanks for letting me know.


I know that you have tons of Wal-Marts in your area. They have a Culigan water machine their and the water prices are resonable. I pay .33 a gallon in Salem and when I visited my Cousin in Mesa the price was not that much higher. You have to go to the Super Wal-Mart though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
I know that you have tons of Wal-Marts in your area. They have a Culigan water machine their and the water prices are resonable. I pay .33 a gallon in Salem and when I visited my Cousin in Mesa the price was not that much higher. You have to go to the Super Wal-Mart though.
OH good, I have a Super Wal-Mart opening up just 1 mile from my house.
Never thought I would be excited about that. (I'm a Target person, lol.)


You must live near my cousin. He has one opening about a mile from his house. You can see the Supersition Mountian from his house in Mesa. He is a Target person as am I.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
You must live near my cousin. He has one opening about a mile from his house. You can see the Supersition Mountian from his house in Mesa. He is a Target person as am I.

Sounds like it, as I can also see the Superstitin Mountains to. The same shoppping center has a PetsMart, Kohls (my favorite store now!), Babies R Us, Staples, Famous Footwear, Best Buy, and across the street they are putting in LA Fitness. I joined, but not sure how good it will do since they are also putting in a IN 'n Out burger.
It's nice to have stores close by now.


becareful with the walmart machines b/c they don't change there filters as much as LFS do. The water could be good one week and bad the next. I found this out the hard way. If you are going to use the machines make sure you test the water before using it. I broke down and bought a RODI unit and it is one of the best things I have gotten for my tank.


i was reading your posts about Mesa and realize that i have been to this shopping plaza myself, and I live in Massachusetts!!!! No seriously I have. I have friends that live in Tempe and we were out there a few months ago and had to go to Best Buy. too funny. I just called my friend and she thinks that we are talking about the same place. Small World....


Active Member
Originally Posted by dueces
i was reading your posts about Mesa and realize that i have been to this shopping plaza myself, and I live in Massachusetts!!!! No seriously I have. I have friends that live in Tempe and we were out there a few months ago and had to go to Best Buy. too funny. I just called my friend and she thinks that we are talking about the same place. Small World....
Small world is right.
I learn that more and more as I get older.


Active Member
I just got 10 gallons of water (will need more) for my QT, from Water and Ice. It's RO water though, not RO/DI. Has anyone found a difference between just RO water and RO/DI water? I know the later is more pure, but was just wondering if anyone used both finding one was better than the other. Anyway, the good thing is the water was free today, because I bought two 5 gallon jugs, BUT when I come back in the water is only 25 cents/gallon!
I'm still thinking though it would be less of a hasle to get a RO/DI unit. Sill, I'm happy to find it so cheap (just wish it was RO/DI water).


I ended up buying my own RODI unit from Air Water Ice. So far, so good. I have not had a chance to test all of the levels yet, but the TDS (total disolved solids) rate on my tap water is about 180. The water coming out of the unit and in to my 40 gallon bin is ZERO. It must be doing something. :joy: I used about 30 gallons in a freshwater tank last weekend and the fish are still alive. I need to test all of the levels before I get brave enough to do a water change in my SW tank. I have about $300 in the RODI unit. That includes a booster pump. I have well water - cold and low pressure = low to no output from the unit. The booster pump takes my pressure up from 35 to about 65 PSI.


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
I ended up buying my own RODI unit from Air Water Ice. So far, so good. I have not had a chance to test all of the levels yet, but the TDS (total disolved solids) rate on my tap water is about 180. The water coming out of the unit and in to my 40 gallon bin is ZERO. It must be doing something. :joy: I used about 30 gallons in a freshwater tank last weekend and the fish are still alive. I need to test all of the levels before I get brave enough to do a water change in my SW tank. I have about $300 in the RODI unit. That includes a booster pump. I have well water - cold and low pressure = low to no output from the unit. The booster pump takes my pressure up from 35 to about 65 PSI.
Sounds like you are safe to go with your saltwater then. What kind of water do you have now in that tank? The fact your freshwater fish did not die is a good sign.


Active Member
Seems one can always find a water discussion on here.
Everyone always says buy here buy there, the real fact behind good water is using a TDS meter. It doesn't matter if you buy water from one source and it works great, then one day out of the algae bloom or some else.
Purified water, or bottle water - most of the time this water is purified by ro, ro/di, or distilled then minerals or other stuff is added to the water for taste. Don't do it, distilled will be better if you don't have a ro/di unit. But then again it all goes back to a TDS meter. You may buy distilled water that has a higher reading that some bottle water.
Another good source is your lfs, they should be able to provide ro or ro/di water....usually at a good price.
Freshwater fish tank:
I believe i read somewhere that said don't use ro/di water for freshwater tanks. Can't remember where i read that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
Freshwater fish tank:
I believe i read somewhere that said don't use ro/di water for freshwater tanks. Can't remember where i read that.
Well, for the simple reason it's more expensive I don't use RO/DI water for my freshwater tank (I know you were not saying me specifically). Been using tap for almost three years and things are good. I just make sure to use a water conditioner. Which brings me to another question, if we are using RO/DI water for our saltwater tanks, do we still need to use a conditioner? What if it's just RO water, still ok?
Also, this thread is the first (that I can recall) talking about a TDS meter. I guess I'll have to get one. Have no idea what it looks like, but I'll search it out to see.