RO/DI Installation


Hi Guys
Yesterday, I received an RO/DI water filter from Improveit!. I just have a few installation questions!
Should the filter stages be pointing upward or downward when mounting it to a wall. I notice the white metal structure has two holes on the back, for hanging the filter. If I use these holes to mount it, then the stages would need to be pointing upward with the water entering from the bottom, due to the "cut" of the hole.
I envisaged the other way around, with the water entering the stages from the top. Does it even matter?
Could you please advice me on mounting! I emailed Improveit but they have not replied yet!

sal t. nutz

I don't know the answer, since I haven't received mine yet, but just wanted to say that I ordered the same unit from them.


I received a reply from Improveit today.
Yes, they made a mistake - the hole should have been cut the other way around.
They said just use a washer, to fix it. Doing this though would mean I would have to take the screws out of the wall each time I wanted to clean it, as oppossed to just unhocking it. Bit of a pin in the ass.
So bascially the stages should be on the bottom.