RO/DI: Low Sodium?


Active Member
I've got good news and bad news. Good news first, my parents are buying me a brand-new RO/DI unit. Bad news is, it's because I have high blood pressure, and by having a water softener, our water has too much sodium in it for my diet. So, here's my question, would getting an Ro/DI unit help any? Because my dietician told me to drink only bottled water, but if you read the sides of bottled water, it says "Filtered Via Reverse Osmosis", so can't I just basically bottle my own water, as well as use it for my tank? Thanks for letting me know, because if it does filter out the sodium this is a great thing.


Active Member
Our water doesn't have flouride in it either, so I have special toothpaste from my dentist that takes care of that. So, does anyone know if this water will have sodium in it? Because by using the RO it will be the same as the bottled water, thanks for any help.


i take it your a pretty big guy? it says football star? are you sure its because of the sodium? do you sleep good a night, or do you snore alot? you could have sleep apnea which causes stress on the body because of lack of quality sleep and leads to hypertension and other ailments. about ro/di water there has been debates that its to pure to even drink but i don't know for sure. do a search on it in the search box, i remember not to long ago a long thread discussing it. i'm not trying to alarm you either just an observation. good luck


Active Member
to the best of my knowledge, sodium rarely if ever is found in freshwater by itself.
When mixed with water - it dissolves and is found as either an ion Na+ or in a compound like such as Sodium chloride, Sodium fluoride, Sodium carbonate, Sodium bicarbonate and other sodium salts.
All of which would be reduced or eliminated with a good quality-good working RO membrane - but that can depend on the equipment.
A DI unit would further remove these ions and compounds.
I would consult your doctor regarding the health issues surrounding high blood pressure / sodium / homemade RO water.


You can get a DI bypass for your unit you don't need to drink the DI water just the RO water and that saves the DI for your tank:D


Active Member
Thanks for the help, I'll look into the DI Bypass, Java, which should save some money, thanks. :D And Broomer, the reason that I have so much sodium in my water is due to our water softener, according to the dietician. Finally on to Sebae's point. I'm not actually that big of a guy. In Football I'm a LineBacker and FullBack, so not a LineMan or anything. The reason I have high blood pressure stems from having diabetes. It's the juvenile diabetes, so it's not from weight or anything that I could have controlled. Anyway, the doctor noticed I've had slightly higher blood pressure readings over time, and sent me to a Nephrologist, who put me on the low-sodium diet. So, back to the original topic at hand, does anyone know a good source for an RO/DI unit w/ DI Bypass?
PS I sleep VERY well at night. Sleeping is my favorite thing to do, other than work on my tank.