ro di question


Active Member
how often should a person change the membrane in their ro/di unit? also is it possible to upgrade it to more gallons per day? should you change every compartment or just the membrane? it is a 6 stage ro di and ive had it for about a year now. it seems like the unit has slowed down a little bit since when i first got it.


New Member
I have had my ro for about a year now also. I just changed my sediment and carbon blocks, and noticed an increase in production. They tell me a membrane will last about 2 or 3 years. You will know when it is time for a change by testing the hardness of the output water. I also flush mine off about once a week. That really seems to help also.

mr. green

You may want to check your TDS before the DI and after the DI. If they are still low and after the DI-zero, it may be one of the pre-filters that need replaced instead of the RO. Just a thought, may save some money.


Active Member
Thanks For The Responses. I Do Flush The System Periodically Also Because I Heard It Does Prolong Its Life, And I Will Check All Of These Things To See The Results. Thanks Again

mx mr bean

i have a kentmarine rodi and it says to change the membrane every 25,000 gallons or 3 to 5 years. The sediment filter and carbon should optimaly be changed every 6 months but it depends how much water u make. because u said the product water is flowing slower i think u should try changing those cartridges. and is ur DI cartridge in a clear canister? if so u can tell when it needs to be changed by the color of the resin. for mine it is when the green resin is about an inch thick from the top. I also know when to change it when my TDS meter reads more than zero (like 1 or 2). Flush kits are also very valuable in prolonging ur membranes life since it takes out the contaminants that sit in the membrane.