ro/di questions


New Member
I have been doing some reading on RO/DI systems, and I don't fully understand how they work. Are they something that you can hook up and leave that way, or do you have to hook them up to use them and unhook them when you are done? Is the water "on demand" or do you spend a ton of time waiting for it? What is the tank for since only some units have it? Is it a necessity? Sorry for all of the questions, but thank you for the help! :notsure:


I’m not sure of exactly how the physics of an RO units works, other than water if forced thru a semi-permeable membrane. :notsure: But I think I can help you with your other question..
As far as hook up, I have seen many different versions of these units. One version is connected directly to your plumbing, most people set them up in their basement or garage. There are also other smaller versions that can be attached to a facet, but these generally have a smaller out-put
As far as water on demand, you do have to wait for the water. The production, or flow is usually measured in GPD, gallons per day. This site sells units rated at 35,50,100 and 200 gallons per day. So for example, if you bought the 50 GPD model, and you needed to fill a 100gal tank, the unit would have to run for 2 days to produce the water needed.
As far as a tank, Most people have a separate tank or barrel that the RO units fills so that they can produce water ahead of time, so it is ready when they need it. You usually don’t want the RO unit to dump right into the tank anyway because the water produced has to be treated first (i.e. salt added, heated to correct temp, and any necessary pH buffer added)
Hope this helps…


When doing salt water tanks you want ot use RO/DI water its teh purest water and best for our use they pay for them selves in the long run and save you time from going to the LFS to fill jugs. RO/DI units can be either hooked up to tank or set up to where you fill up as needed. Most units are slow it depends on teh GPD the unit makes as to how slow they are.I prefer to fill up 5 gal buckets as needed rather then hook up to tank fot there are some bad things that can happen to tank if a problen occures like over flowing / Salinity changes etc. Hope this helps


my ro unit is hooked up to the water saurce at all times I just turn it on to start makeing the water, I use 35 gallon heavy duty garbag cans (best buying from a restaurant supply store)use a power head,heater ,I make around 100 gallons at a time some I use some for top off, on top off water add some buffer to bring the p.h in line(ro runs around 6.2-6.5) the rest for changing add salt 24 hours before changing,hope this helps